Friday, October 16, 2009

VSDB: Deployments

Over the course of working on a couple VSDB projects with multiple developers, I have found that productivity loss and confusion can result from developers’ settings producing unexpected results during a deploy – for example, having some changes to the database project in source control not get applied to the developer’s database; or the developer deploying to a different database than expected.

I have found that the following settings provide consistent results.

For the Database Project, edit your settings (right click the Database Project and select Properties):


Now make sure you UNCHECK "Block incremental deployment If data loss might occur" (shown checked here)

CHECK "Always re-create database" and of course "Back up database before deployment“.


These settings will ensure that your local development database is always exactly what is checked into source control – nothing less and nothing more. That should help avoid issues where one developer inadvertently undoes the changes of another developer, etc.

1 comment:

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